Why Your Doctor May Be Responsible For A Premature Birth

Law Blog

A woman will usually carry a baby for 39-40 weeks. A baby is considered viable after 24 weeks, but may face health problems as a result of being born prematurely. In some cases, a premature birth cannot be avoided. However, in other cases, the premature birth is the result of medical malpractice. If your child needs extra medical care after being born prematurely, you have a right to seek compensation for these injuries. 

Risk Factors for Premature Births

One of the issues is if you face an increased chance of a premature birth, but your doctor does not take the steps to reduce these chances or warn you. For example, if you have given birth prematurely in the past, you may be more likely to give birth prematurely. If your doctor fails to take the necessary precautions, he or she might be held liable for any damages that result from a premature birth. 

Warning Signs of a Premature Birth

If there are warning signs that you might have a premature birth, it's the responsibility of your healthcare provider to take the steps necessary to prevent this and to reduce the possible injuries to your child. Your baby might not be moving as much. You may experience vaginal bleeding. You may have a persistent, dull backache. 

Preventative Actions

It's the responsibility of a doctor to observe the symptoms of a preterm labor and take necessary actions. When a mother is at risk of a premature birth, she should be advised to get plenty of bed rest. The doctor must treat an ineffectual cervix with sutures. 

Emergency Treatments

There are treatments that can be prescribed to help the baby develop more effectively. For example, there are drugs that will stimulate the development of the baby's brain and lungs. If the doctor fails to prescribe these medications, he or she may be responsible for medical malpractice. Medications may also be prescribed to slow down or stop the preterm labor.

Why You Need Medical Malpractice Law Services

If you believe that your doctor has engaged in medical malpractice, you should get in contact with medical malpractice law services. In many cases, if a medical malpractice law attorney believes that you have a strong case, you will not have to pay for legal services until the lawyer has obtained compensation for damage done to your child. If your child will need long-term medical care, you'll receive the help you deserve.


3 March 2019

How to Make the Law Work For You

The court system can seem frightening and confusing if you're not used to using it. Whether you've been accused of a crime and you're trying to navigate the criminal court system, or you're being sued or considering suing someone else in civil court, you need an advocate who knows their way around. That's why finding the right lawyer for the job is so important. In this blog, I'll be helping you learn how to choose the right lawyer for the job and sharing information about legal strategies and courtroom procedures that you may come across when you have a legal problem. You need accurate information to help you understand the court system, and this blog can help.