Social Security Disability 101: 3 Tips For Those Undergoing A Hearing

Law Blog

Sometimes, those who apply for disability are required to attend a hearing. As you might expect, this typically takes place in a courtroom. Unfortunately, this can make a lot of people nervous. Especially if they believe they will be denied the benefits they need. However, you can keep your cool and increase the chances of winning your case by following these three tips:

1. Ensure Your Medical Records Are Up To Date

Before your hearing, you should take some time to ensure that all of your medical records are up to date. Talk to your doctor and ask for a copy of your medical records. If your current treatment plan or recent visits aren't listed, ask your doctor to quickly update your records. Once they are updated, ask your lawyer to submit them for review. Any new medical evidence needs to be reviewed by an administrative law judge first. So make sure that all of your medical records, including new treatments or medications, are updated.

If you start a new treatment and don't have enough time to update the judge, bring along an updated copy of your medical records to your hearing. This will ensure that you have proof of your current medical condition. This can be especially helpful if your health is deteriorating.

2. Enlist Witnesses

If there is anyone that knows about your medical condition, be sure to ask if they would be willing to testify on your behalf. This might sound a little extreme, but your chances of winning your hearing will greatly improve with more evidence. While you don't need a lot of witnesses, one or two can increase your odds of winning. So if you have a live-in friend or family member, ask them to testify about your difficulty with certain tasks. If you are still working, you could also have a co-worker testify about your daily struggles at work.

3. Maintain Your Normal Routine

Finally, it's important to maintain your normal routine while you go through the hearing process. This might be hard, because it's natural to want to leave a good impression. However, it's important that you do not put on a show. You want the judge to see how difficult normal life can be. So take your medications, even if they make you sleepy or nauseous. If you need a crutch or cane to walk properly, bring that too.

In addition, don't dress up for the hearing. While you should wear something appropriate, you don't need to wear the best clothing you have. Remember, you want the court to see your struggles. So do not dress extra nice or style your hair perfectly if it isn't what you would do on a normal day.

While a social security disability hearing can be stressful, you can keep your cool by following these three tips. In addition, make sure you have a skilled lawyer to fight for your rights. For more information, talk with a company like Glen Cook Social Security Attorney.


22 June 2017

How to Make the Law Work For You

The court system can seem frightening and confusing if you're not used to using it. Whether you've been accused of a crime and you're trying to navigate the criminal court system, or you're being sued or considering suing someone else in civil court, you need an advocate who knows their way around. That's why finding the right lawyer for the job is so important. In this blog, I'll be helping you learn how to choose the right lawyer for the job and sharing information about legal strategies and courtroom procedures that you may come across when you have a legal problem. You need accurate information to help you understand the court system, and this blog can help.